Official HYROX Training Club

What makes MROC Training the #1 HYROX Training Club in Oceanside?
Mike Confer
February 26, 2025
Official HYROX Training Club


Hybrid Fitness Racing is taking the sports world by storm, and HYROX Training Clubs are popping up all over the country to help athletes get ready.

HYROX is a race event consisting of a brutal, 8k footrace divided into eight 1000m runs and fitness zones. These take people 120-140 minutes on average to complete.

Our athletes were immediately drawn to HYROX because of the grit required to finish. We train hard, and we're always looking for new ways to challenge our fitness... So this was the perfect test to see if we're stronger, faster, and better conditioned then our peers.

Naturally then, MROC Training was the first gym in North County to affiliate and certify our trainers for this new sport.

Since hosting our first HYROX gym event in 2021, MROC has entered athletes in countless events across the globe. We consistently recruit the largest teams for all Southern California events (Anaheim, Los Angeles, etc.), put the highest number of athletes on the podium at every home town race, and have more fun on the course then anyone else 🏁🏁🏁

You must be thinking we specialize in this, right? But actually, no. We don't.

Our training program is designed to make our members resilient to all of life's adventures - not just HYROX. It just so happens that we love lifting weights, running, and doing a lot of the primitive/functional movements that HYROX incorporates in their race. So since we're doing that stuff everyday anyway, we tend to be pretty well prepared for stuff like this... without having to charge extra for special classes or camps.

It helps to have competitive and experienced coaches, too. The trainers at MROC don't just talk the talk... they lead from the front. Every Coach at MROC that has competed in HYROX has earned a spot on the podium. And that's saying a lot... since we're all working parents over 40 πŸ˜‰

So if you're looking for a place to train for HYROX, we hope you'll check us out first. You won't regret it!

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